Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

Authored By: dies0044 03/29/2021

SAAPM 2021

In the United States, April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. UMR's/The SAAPM committee overarching theme for this month is “Creating Safe Spaces for All Communities”. Throughout April, UMR/the SAAPM committee will be looking at sexual assault as it occurs in different spaces and communities and focusing on ways to elevate and evolve prevention and intervention efforts to address this global crisis. Join in the virtual activities and experiences this month to promote sexual assault awareness and prevention and show support for all victim/survivors.

UMR'S weekly themes, calendar of events and resources:

  • April 5th: Creating Safe Online spaces 
  • April 12th: Men and Prevention: 
  • April 19th: Sexual Violence and Prevention within the BIPOC communities 
  • April 26th: Sexual Violence and Prevention within the LBGTQ+ Communities 

SAAPM 2021SAAM 2021 Virtual Events:
April 1: 

April 6

  • Day of Action on Tuesday
    • Day of Action Decorating Mask Contest: Take Action! Show your support for sexual violence prevention and demonstrate your solidarity with survivors by decorating a mask using some form of teal (the color of SAAPM) and your creativity! Take a picture and post it to Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag UMR. We will highlight all the pictures throughout the month!

April 27: 

April 29: 



Sexual Assault Awareness Month Proclamation

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Resource List

Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month "Things You Should Know"

As we wrap up Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, we share with you important information on how sexual violence manifests and impacts different communities through “Things You Should Know."

Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month "Things You Should Know" Sources:

Sexual Violence is Preventable
Sexual Assault Awareness Month: History, Facts, and Figures
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) Statistics
The 1 in 6 Statistic
NISVS: An Overview of 2010 Findings on Victimization by Sexual Orientation
RAINN Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics
RAINN Sexual Assault of Men and Boys
Ten Simple Prevention Steps
CDC Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Violence, and Stalking Among Men
Sexual Violence Resources for students who identify as Women of Color