University of Minnesota Rochester student about to make a shot with a basketball in hand.

Health, Wellness and Recreation

A healthy campus evokes positivity, nurtures a group identity marked by increased engagement, concern for others and a safe space for vulnerability and collaboration.


UMR is committed to the well-being of our community.

A community of well-being is where students, faculty and staff come together to create and foster collaboration that supports the continual development of individuals and as a whole.

This intentional effort is campus-wide where all are responsible for conducting ongoing dialogue, generating educational opportunities, embracing diversity and connecting people and resources.




Well-being is a state where we are flourishing, feel content, connected to purpose, people and community; peaceful and energized; resilient and safe.

The Olmsted Medical Center (OMC) Skyway Clinic is located on the second floor of 318 Commons and is UMR's Student Health Service. This service is free to all students who have paid the UMR Student Activity Fee. UMR students must show a valid student ID Card (UCard) upon arrival in order to ensure access to all Student Health Services and avoid any billing, copays or charges. If students have not paid the Student Activity Fee this semester, they may be seen as an OMC patient by calling to schedule an appointment (regular OMC Skyway Clinic charges will apply), or they may opt in to the Student Services Fee.


Walk-in visits are available for UMR students Monday through Friday from 3-4 p.m. To schedule an appointment outside the student walk-in hours, call 507-292-7250.

Clinic hours are Monday to Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

UMR Student Health Services provides testing and treatment for:

    • Acne
    • Allergies
    • Blood Pressure Screening
    • Bladder/Urinary Tract Infections
    • Bruises
    • Colds
    • Coughs
    • Runny Noses
    • Cold Sores
    • Earaches and Infections
    • Flu Symptoms
    • Insect Bites/Stings
    • Minor Burns and Rashes
    • Minor Sunburn
    • Mononucleosis
    • Skin Infections
    • Sinus Infections
    • Sore Throat
    • Stitch Removal

Laboratory Testing: Rapid strep, dip urinalysis, mono screen, pregnancy, tuberculosis, pap smear, vaginal infections and screenings for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.

Reproductive Health: Pelvic examinations, pap smear testing and screening for vaginal infections.

Initial and Brief counseling and Evaluation for Referral: General health, nutrition, smoking, anxiety, birth control counseling and depression counseling.

Psychological Services: Appointments are available to meet with a licensed psychologist and consult with a psychiatrist, as needed.

Referrals: Referrals to a primary care provider for preventative health services, or an evaluation of conditions outside the scope of services provided by Student Health Services will be provided when necessary.

Prescriptions: Prescriptions can be written at the OMC Skyway Clinic, but medications are not available on-site. Prescriptions must be filled elsewhere using insurance or out of pocket payment.

The scope of practice of the Student Health Services clinic will exclude dispensing or prescribing narcotics, such as for chronic pain or insomnia.

Mental Health appointments now available!

Once per month on Friday afternoons, a clinical social worker is at the clinic to see students for counseling, therapy and mental health resources.

For more information, stop in at the OMC Skyway Clinic.

Resources from The Pantry: 

Orders can be picked up at The Pantry at 318 Commons first floor. Hours of operation vary. See the form for current hours of availability.

Prevent respiratory illness

Follow these guidelines to avoid respiratory illness including COVID, flu and more.

Enhance your immune system

Staying up-to-date on vaccinations is an important step to staying healthy though check with your primary health care professional to learn what’s right for you.

In addition, follow these six healthy habits from the CDC to help improve your immunity.

Wash your hands

Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly for 20 seconds or more with soap and warm water. If you don’t have access to those, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Stay informed

Track the frequency of COVID-19 in Minnesota. If the incidence is high, consider additional indoor precautions, like masking, maintaining six feet of social distance and avoiding crowded or poorly ventilated spaces.

What to do if you’re sick

Get tested  

    • Olmsted Medical Center (OMC) Skyway Clinic offers testing for COVID, flu, strep throat and other diseases for University students, staff and faculty.
    • COVID-19 testing can help you know if you have COVID-19 so you can decide what to do next, like getting treatment to reduce your risk of severe illness and taking steps to lower your chances of spreading the virus to others. Order your 4 free test kits.
    • At-home COVID tests are available for purchase at most retail pharmacies and may be covered by your insurance. 

Prevent the spread 

    • For COVID, inform your close contacts that they may have been exposed and should seek testing.
    • Stay home if you can, get plenty of rest and see the excused absence policy for students or employees.
    • Stay hydrated and avoid drinks with sugar, caffeine or alcohol.
    • Cover your coughs and sneezes. Wearing a well-fitting, multi-layered mask is effective.
    • Follow the CDC’s guidance for more information on preventing the spread of all respiratory illnesses. 

Flu Clinics

UMR is partnering with Olmsted Medical Center to offer three Flu Clinics at UMR. Flu vaccines are free for students, faculty, staff and their families. Save the dates! 

    • Tuesday, October 15: 2 - 3:30 p.m. - USquare, 3rd Floor 
    • Tuesday, October 22: 3 - 430 p.m. - Student Life Center, Intercultural Center
    • Friday, October 25: 10 - 11:30 a.m. - USquare, The Nest 

Recreational Activities 

All students who pay the student activity fee can participate in Raptor Recreation activities and receive full access to the following in the Student Life Center (SLC):

    • Full use of workout equipment in the Rec Center
    • Open swim times at UMR’s pool
    • Weekly group fitness classes offered in the Wellness Studio that align with varying fitness interests. Classes being offered this academic year -
      • Yoga 
      • Guided Meditation 
      • Pilates
      • Strength and Cardio

View the full schedule of Raptor Recreation offerings on RaptorLink.

A health and well-being (or wellness) coach will partner with you to help you achieve positive, long-term change for a healthier, more fulfilling life. Coaches support individuals across a range of health and well-being areas such as coping with stress, improving nutrition, increasing movement, getting higher-quality sleep, enhancing relationships and achieving greater overall life balance.

Virtual health coaching is available to any UMR student, staff or faculty. A free 30 minute initial session is available to the first 100 newly enrolled UMR students who schedule an appointment. No purchase is required to take advantage of this complimentary session. Additional health coaching sessions can be purchased at the Y-member rate.  

Schedule an appointment 

Schedule an appointment with a highly trained integrative health and well-being coach by calling 

612-465-0468 or email [email protected].

Learn more about the Student Health Benefit Plan (SHBP).

Enrollment Process:
Students who want to participate in the University-sponsored SHBP must complete the enrollment process prior to the start of each new term.

Hospitalization Insurance:
If you are under 26, you may be eligible for health coverage under your parent's plan.

Independent Health Plan:
Students on their own health plan are not required to purchase the University-sponsored SHBP, however they must waive coverage using the online Health Coverage Declaration.

Note: International Students are automatically enrolled in SHBP and are only eligible to waive if enrolled in either the University-sponsored Graduate Assistant Health Plan or a United States-based Employer-sponsored Group Health Plan.

Providing inaccurate or false information may result in unexpected charges. It is also a violation of the Student Conduct Code.

Immunization Clearance:
The University requires all students born after December 31,1956 who take more than one University class to provide documentation of two immunizations for measles, mumps and rubella; and a tetanus-diphtheria immunization within the last ten years. This documentation must be entered on a Student Immunization Record and must include the month and year each immunization was given. Forms are available at One Stop located in the Student Life office. Students who graduated from a Minnesota high school in 1997 or later will be exempt from this policy.

Check with your medical or high school immunization records. All students are legally required to provide information on immunizations or exemptions; students who fail to provide the required information will have a hold placed on their records and will not be allowed to enroll for classes.

A free flu clinic is available at UMR each fall semester. 

The law does allow for an exception based on age, or documented medical or conscientious exemptions. If you need any of the required immunizations, call your family doctor for an appointment.

Self Assessment
The University of Minnesota offers online self assessment for depression, generalized anxiety, post-traumatic stress, eating disorders and alcohol. This free screening is made available to all UMN students and is taken anonymously. The screening is provided so that you may find out - in a few minutes - whether or not a professional consultation would be helpful to you. If your score suggests you are likely to need assistance, please call to make an appointment with UMR Counseling Services.

The University of Minnesota Rochester is committed to having an environment free of sexual misconduct.

The University of Minnesota Rochester resides entirely within leased spaces that prohibit smoking in all areas of the property. In compliance with building regulations and the University of Minnesota Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus policy, smoking is prohibited in all UMR facilities.

UMR supports mothers by providing dedicated lactation spaces:

    • University Square room 308A
    • 318 Commons room 208-1
    • One Discovery Square offers a publicly accessible room available to visitors and tenants of the building located on the fourth floor, room 432 

Learn more about U of M Lactation support.

Faculty and staff can contact the Office of Human Resources with questions. 

All intramurals will be held at the Rochester Community and Technical College Regional Sports Center for the 2024-2025 year. Equipment will be provided, but feel free to bring your own if you prefer. Visit RaptorLink for more information!
Fall 2024 Intramural Schedule:
    • Basketball - Tuesdays, 6-7 p.m.
    • Pickleball - Wednesdays, 7-8 p.m.
    • Volleyball - Thursdays, 6-9 p.m.

Those participating in intramurals must create an account and join a team on by following the instructions below:

To create an IMLeagues account:

  1. Go to
  2. Go to and click Create Account.
  3. Go to and click “Log in with Facebook” if you have a Facebook account with your University email attached - this will automatically create an account, fill in your info and join you to UMR (steps 2-4).
  4. Enter your information, and use your University email ( and submit.
  5. You will be sent an activation email, click the link in the email to login and activate your IMLeagues account.
  6. You should be automatically joined to UMR – If not you can search by clicking the “Schools” link.

How to sign up for an intramural sport:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click the Create/Join Team button at the top right of your user homepage.
  3. Click on the “University of Minnesota Rochester” link to go to UMR’s homepage on IMLeagues.
  4. The current sports will be displayed, click on the sport you wish to join.
  5. Choose the league you wish to play in.
  6. Choose the division you’d like to play in. 
  7. You can join the sport one of three ways:
    1. Create a team (for team captains).
        1. Captains can invite members to their team by clicking the “Invite Members” link on the team page. Any invited members must accept the invitation to be joined to your team.
          1. If they’ve already registered on IMLeagues: search for their name and invite them.
          2. If they haven’t yet registered on IMLeagues: scroll down to the “Invite by Email Address” box and input their email address.
    2. Join a team
        1. Use the Create/Join Team button at top right of every page.
        2. Accept a request from the captain to join their team.
        3. Find the team and captain name on the division/league page and request to join.
        4. Go to the captain’s playercard page, view their team and request to join.
    3. Join as a Free Agent
      1. You can list yourself as a free agent in as many divisions within a league as you'd like. You will be visible to all members of the site and can request to join teams, or post information about yourself so teams can request to add you to their team. 

Note: IMLeagues offers a live support button in the top right corner of all pages, please use this button if you encounter any difficulties.