University of Minnesota Rochester Honored for Exceptional Student Support Initiatives in Career Development

Authored By: vcarroll 07/19/2022

The University of Minnesota Rochester has been honored by Colleges of Distinction, an advocate for schools whose undergraduate experiences are grounded in a philosophy of engagement, teaching, community, and outcomes. As an additional honor, Colleges of Distinction has also awarded University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR) in the area of Career Development.

Few questions are going to be on students’ minds more often than some version of “What am I going to do after graduation?” Conveniently, schools awarded the Career Development badge have shown that they are well-equipped to help their students graduate with confidence. The badge recognizes schools with comprehensive four-year plans, advising, and more.

“UMR offers resources and provides unparalleled support throughout every stage of career exploration, development, and application,” said Tyson Schritter, Chief Operating Officer at Colleges of Distinction. These resources and support include:

  • Integrated Career Exploration and Preparation 
  • Accessible Programs and Training 
  • Career-Centered Staff 

“The Career Development recognition goes beyond mock interviews and job board postings,” said Schritter. “UMR brings career readiness into the classroom, making intentional connections between students and the careers they pursue after graduation. It’s the kind of innovative, ingrained career preparation strategies that make UMR’s outstanding work worthy of praise.”