Deepali Butani, Ph.D

Senior Lecturer, CLI

EducationHeadshot of Deepali Butani
B.Sc., Delhi University, Department of Chemistry

M.Sc., Delhi University, Department of Chemistry

Ph.D., Texas Tech University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


Teaching at UMR
Deepali Butani received her Ph.D. in Chemistry in August 2011 from Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, where she pursued her research under Dr. David M. Birney in the field of Physical Organic Chemistry studying reaction mechanisms of pericyclic and pseudopericylic reactions. She also holds a Graduate Certification in Higher Education Administration from Texas Tech University. She is from New Delhi, India. She came to United States in 2005. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Chemistry from Delhi University, India. Before coming to UMR, she has taught as the Visiting Assistant Professor at Gettysburg College and Dickinson College in Pennsylvania where she taught various chemistry courses. Dr. Butani will be teaching Organic Chemistry courses at UMR.