Jake Wright, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer, CLI
B.A., Knox College, Department of Philosophy
M.A., University of Missouri, Department of Philosophy
Ph.D., University of Missouri, Department of Philosophy
Teaching at UMR
Dr. Wright wears a number of teaching hats at UMR. He teaches philosophy courses both individually and as a member of the philosophy teaching team, as well as teaching student development courses like Living on Purpose and University Experience. Jake also plays an active role in the UMR Summer Bridge program and currently chairs the First Year Seminar Committee.
Dr. Wright's research focuses on the ethical and pedagogical justifications for in-class practices, especially at the introductory level. Because introductory pedagogies vary significantly, his research has been similarly diverse. Jake has examined the ethical and pedagogical justifications of limited in-class technology bans, the justifications for favoring certain in-class contributions over others, strategies for increasing student understanding of disparate course and disciplinary goals, and the benefits of incorporating contemplative exercises into introductory philosophy classes.
Jake's research has been published in leading pedagogical journals and has given him the chance to present his work at leading international conferences, including meetings of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology; the Philosophy of Science Association; the International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology; and the Society for Research into Higher Education.
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