Make An Appointment

Counselors at UMR are highly trained, licensed counselors.

Mental health issues can impact physical health, emotional imbalance, cognition and processing speed, interpersonal relationships and academic performance. Counselors are here to help students learn ways to cope and manage mental and emotional challenges.

Counseling is provided via zoom and in-person. Counseling Services are free for all enrolled UMR students and there are no limits on the number of counseling sessions a student may have.

College can be an exciting time, but it is not without its challenges. Students may experience uncertainty and stress as they navigate their way ahead. We are committed to meeting the emotional and mental health needs of students to help support overall well-being. 

Four ways to get started...

    1. Complete Consent Form, First Time Intake Form and the Symptom Checklist before your first appointment.
    2. Make an appointment online with a counselor.
    3. Email us to ask any questions about getting started.
    4. For urgent needs and crisis situation, call our 24/7 UMN Phone Counseling and Crisis Line at (218) 281-TALK (8225).

Boonmee Pakviset McElroy - Mental Health Counselor

“I believe that a person can be the most effective and perform their best when their physical health, emotional health, and mental health are in balance."

Carole Stiles - Interim Onsite Mental Health Counselor

“I am energized to support the mental health needs of UMR students."

Betsy Bateman - Interim Director of Counseling Services

"My special focus areas address depression and anxiety as well as sexuality and improving relationships."

Student Assistant

General inquiries about mental health, resources and information about counseling services at UMR can be directed to the student assistant.