My UMR With Emiko Walker - Student Success Coach
Authored By: mknutson 11/19/2019What brought you to UMR?
I did my Master's program at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, so I was familiar with all the system campuses. After I moved to Rochester with my family and started to look for jobs in the area, UMR was one of the first places I looked.
What is your role at UMR?
Student Success Coach and logistics guru (doer of things)
Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now?
While living in Japan I was thrown into an advisor role and absolutely loved it! I discovered that I really enjoy helping others learn more about themselves and how they experience the world. I also have many memories of my own time as an undergraduate thinking, "if only I had known..." I like helping connect others to resources with the hope they don't have as many "If only I had known" instances as I did.
What is one of your favorite things about UMR?
I love the passion and dedication of UMR students. Not a day goes by that I am not blown away by the drive of UMR students as they work toward their goals.
What is one interesting fact about you that you want others to know about you?
I love engaging with other cultures. I have traveled to over 20 different countries and regions and studied seven different languages (but don't ask me to speak any of them). While life keeps me close to Rochester for now, I have a huge list of places I still have yet to see.
What hobby would you get into if time and money weren’t an issue?
I have always dreamed of running a cafe with big windows, great coffee, homemade pies & cakes, big comfy chairs with world newspapers to read and artwork/fair-trade crafts that visitors can purchase to support local communities if they are so inspired. But more realistically, I would probably want to do something along the lines of pottery and painting - things I enjoy but never do because there just doesn't seem to be enough time.
What are some small things that make your day better?
Good conversation with colleagues and friends about topics I am passionate about, seeing people showing kindness and goodness to others, and cheesecake.
If you could convince everyone in the world to do one thing at one point in time, what would that thing be?
Turn to a stranger and smile.
What advice do you have for UMR students during their time here?
I know this is really cliche, but enjoy your time as a student! Going into the Health Sciences is hard work, but you'll only live this time of your life once, so don't let other experiences and opportunities pass you by.