Meet Monica - The Resilience, Well-being and Mental Health Featured Student

Authored By: wells438 05/31/2022

Resilience, Well-being and Mental Health

Achieving an ongoing balance among all of the elements that contribute to a robust and productive life is a skill that can be acquired through education and practice. Helping others find ways to integrate body, mind and spirit in healthy activities is an exciting and innovative career opportunity for many UMR students.

Monica Ziebell

Monica Ziebell, ‘19

Resilience, Well-being and Mental Health
Major: Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences
Hometown: Hometown: Chaska, MN

What did your Capstone Experience at UMR involve? For my Capstone experience I interned at Generose W-1 (Mayo's Acute Pediatric Psych Unit) which gave me the opportunity to facilitate a music group and observe morning rounds. Being able to intern at Generose solidified my desire to be in the mental health field. It reassured me that I was going into something that I was passionate about.

How did your Capstone experience prepare you for your future in what you’re currently doing?  My Capstone experience showed me the prevalence of co-occurring disorders which made me turn my attention to substance use disorders (SUD). Without understanding all parts of mental illness, addiction included, the revolving cycle cannot be stopped. Seeing children at Generose struggle with SUD led me to pursue a Masters in Professional Studies in Addiction Counseling at the University of Minnesota.


Learn more about Monica's experience and learn more about UMR's Pathways.