University of Minnesota Rochester Welcomes Dr. Paul Hanstedt as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Innovation
Authored By: wells438 08/14/2023Dr. Paul Hanstedt joined the University of Minnesota Rochester as the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Innovation on August 14.
Dr. Hanstedt previously led the Houston H. Harte Center for Teaching and Learning at Washington and Lee University in Virginia. Handstedt received his doctorate in literature from The Ohio State University, master’s in Creative Writing from Iowa State University and bachelor’s in literature from Luther College.
He is a nationally recognized leader in teaching and learning innovation, including his books Creating Wicked Students: Designing Courses for a Complex World (2018) and General Education Essentials: A Guide for College Faculty (2012). Recent essays include, "Might This Be the Beginning of Education?" Inside Higher Ed., April 28, 2020; "It's Time to Get Rid of Distribution Requirements," Inside Higher Ed., February 10, 2020; and "Teaching the How: Three Ways to Support Failure,” The Teaching Professor, June 3, 2019.
"Dr. Hanstedt's expertise and values are beautifully aligned with UMR's Vision to inspire transformation in higher education. I'm delighted to welcome him to Rochester and to the campus community," shares UMR Chancellor Lori Carrell.
In this role, Dr. Hanstedt will lead the Center for Learning Innovation. He will be broadly responsible for teaching, learning and research across the University while working collaboratively with the UMR community and our partners.
Dr. Hanstedt shares, “I am excited for the opportunity to work with dedicated faculty and staff who care deeply about their students and the chance to work with these colleagues to find some new approaches to some old problems in higher ed.”
As for what he’s most looking forward to about moving to the Rochester area, he shares, “Conversations, food and relearning how to cross-country ski!”