The University of Minnesota Rochester Introduces New Occupational Therapy Early Assurance Program

Authored By: wells438 09/25/2023

UMR is now offering an Early Assurance Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) program, designed to provide a pathway for undergraduate students to gain early admission to the University of Minnesota Occupational Therapy program. UMR’s Early Assurance OTD is in collaboration with the University of Minnesota Occupational Therapy program and is designed for incoming first-year students. 

Incoming undergraduate students must apply by December 1 as a first-year student for admission to UMR’s undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences program and complete a small number of additional application questions.


Benefits of this program include: 

Access to Occupational Therapy program advisors to assist with courses.

A faculty mentor.

Current occupational therapy student mentor. 

Invitations to occupational therapy community events. 

Students will complete their undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences degree at UMR, while completing all prerequisites, and in their fourth year, apply to be formally admitted into UMR’s OTD program. 

Learn more about the program and how to apply.