U of M Day at the Capitol
Authored By: wells438 02/23/2024On Thursday, February 22 at the Minnesota State Capitol, U of M alumni, faculty, staff and students from all five campuses rallied for state funding to support University education, research and outreach.
The day was filled with a number of events and opportunities for the U of M community to connect with local legislators and legislative staff.
On the Capitol steps during a rally and press conference the UMN Board of Regents Chair, Interim President Ettinger and student and alumni speakers shared why investing in the U of M means investing in the State of Minnesota.
“We are grateful for our policy partners. Together we are working toward an ever brighter future for higher education and student success in the state of Minnesota,” shared Chancellor Carrell.
A student lunch with legislators followed the rally and the day wrapped up with a U of M Showcase where students from each campus and their mascot came together to share their unique campus story and needs.