The University of Minnesota Rochester Celebrates Women’s History Month

Authored By: wells438 03/13/2024
Women's History Month Banner

Celebrate Women’s History Month by joining the UMR community at the following events and displays:

Women’s History Month Display

Wednesday, March 13 - Wednesday, March 20

USquare, 3rd floor

Learn more as we honor women in history, in the health care field, at UMR and more with an educational display. Play a game of Women’s History Month Jeopardy for an opportunity to win a prize!

Diversity Dialogue 

Thursday, March 21 I 2:15 - 3:30 p.m.

Student Life Center, Intercultural Student Center

Join the Diversity and Inclusion Committee in a student and alumni led discussion for faculty, staff and students focusing on appreciation for women leaders and reflect on how their leadership experiences helped shape them as individuals, led to new traditions for the UMR community and will contribute to their future careers in healthcare. Refreshments will be served.


How to Support 

Consider donating to causes that advocate for creating equal opportunity for women and girls across Minnesota  by supporting women in elected positions across the state.

Learn more about the women who shaped the history of Olmsted County and the women who continue to lead today.