What’s Next for Abhinaya Rajesh?

Authored By: wells438 05/21/2024

Headshot of Abhi RajeshCelebrating UMR’s graduating class of 2024! Meet Abhinaya, a BSHS graduate working at Mayo Clinic as a scribe in the emergency department.

What are your post graduation plans? 

I accepted a job offer at Mayo Clinic to continue with my passion for health care. 

What was your favorite part of your years at UMR?

My favorite part of UMR was the community. Being a small school, it was nice that there was a welcoming community to grow up with during my time here. From my friends to the staff, they were always there for me.

What are you most looking forward to post graduation?

Being put into the real world and seeing what it is like out there.

What advice would you give incoming students?

Be open minded because lots of things will change throughout your time here. Be ready for it and learn to grow with it.