What’s Next for Brandi McParland?

Authored By: wells438 05/28/2024

Body shot of Brandi McParlandCelebrating UMR’s graduating class of 2024! Meet Brandi, a BSHP graduate working as an Respiratory Therapist. 

What are your post graduation plans? 

I will be working at the M Health Fairview University of Minnesota Medical Center - East Bank in Minneapolis in the ICU as a Respiratory Therapist.

What was your favorite part of your years at UMR?

My favorite part of my years at UMR is how small my classes were. I love the friendships I made with my classmates and professors. UMR professors are there to help and support you. 

What are you most looking forward to post graduation?

I am looking forward to finally being able to breathe and relax. I will be traveling more!

What advice would you give incoming students?

It’s okay to have a bad day. Cry it out, scream or do whatever you need to let it out. Then pick yourself up and remember the reason why you're doing all of this.