UMR Grievance Procedures

Academic Grievances
The University makes every effort to provide a supportive and educational environment for students. Students with complaints about an instructor or criticisms about course content, procedures, or grading should in almost all instances handle those situations through the informal grievance procedure.

Grievances involving an instructor’s judgment in assigning a grade based on academic performance may be resolved ONLY through the informal resolution procedures described below. In other instances, if an informal resolution is not achieved, the matter may be pursued as a formal grievance in accordance with the Regents’ Policy on Student Academic Grievance. Academic grievances must be based on a claimed violation of a University rule, policy, or established practice.

The following are the steps to follow to reach resolution of a student’s concern. Each step in the procedure is to be followed in order until resolution is achieved.

Informal Resolution

1. A student with a concern should visit their instructor in person to share the concern.

2. A student with a concern should submit a written request to the instructor. State specifically what the concern is and what action is being sought.

3. Instructor is expected to respond in written form to the written request of the student within 7-10 business days.

Formal Resolution

4. A student with a concern that has not been resolved through the informal process should complete and submit an Academic Student Concerns Form. That request form will then be forwarded to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Innovation.

5. The student will then visit with the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Innovation, or a designee, in-person to discuss the written concern.

6. The Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Innovation, or a designee, is expected to follow-up with a decision/action/information to the student situation/request within 7-10 business days.

This policy does not limit the University's right to change rules, policies, or practices. For more information, refer to the Regent's Policy on Academic Grievances here.

Students with Complaints Against Other Students or Student Groups
Any member of the student body may submit a complaint of a possible violation of the Student Conduct Code against other students or student groups by filling out and submitting a General Incident Report. Complaints may be resolved informally or may result in a hearing before the Student Conduct Committee.

Students with Complaints Against University Employees (non-academic concerns)
Students with complaints against University employees regarding discrimination, sexual harassment, or other violations of student rights can complete the UMR Sexual Misconduct Form or contact the Director of Employee Engagement, Development, and Wellbeing at [email protected]. Your complaint will be routed to the most appropriate party to address your concern.

Students with Complaints About UMR (non-employee related matters)
Students with complaints about non-employee related matters, such as current policies, practices, facilities, offerings or services should submit an RSA Student Concerns Form. That request will be sent to the appropriate RSA representative for follow-up towards understanding and resolution. Follow-up will likely include making contact with the submitter of the form, and together talking about the concern, determining next steps and looking towards making positive change regarding the concern (ie., policy change proposal, budget request, conversation with service provider, maintenance request, RSA resolution).