Concern Forms

Use the forms below to submit student, staff and faculty concerns.

If you're unsure which form to use, submit the UMR General Concern/Incident/Hate/Bias Form, and the information will be routed to the relevant staff member for follow-up.

UMR General Concern/Incident/Hate/Bias Form

Purpose: To submit information about any incident that needs awareness, including violations of the student conduct code, housing policy, hate/bias incidents (non-academic) or any other incident that needs awareness.

Next Steps: Depending on the nature of the concern, this report will be reviewed by the Student Conduct Team or Director of Employee Engagement, Development and Well-being.

    • Concerns related to conduct in Residential Halls (Student Life Center, Residence at Discovery Square and 318 Commons) will be directed to the Residential Life Director.
    • Concerns related to non-residential conduct will be directed to the Interim Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Life
    • Any other conduct concerns will be directed to a designated member of the Student Conduct Team.

Academic Integrity Report

Purpose: To submit information about an incident involving plagiarism, cheating or other academic integrity issues.

Next Steps: The academic-representative on the Student Conduct Team will be in contact with you following submission of the report.

Care Report

Purpose: To communicate concerning behavior about a student to the UMR Care Team. Concerns may be related to a student's health, relationships, academic difficulty, including hate/bias incidents or unknown.

Next Steps: The Care Team will review your report and make determination on how to best offer support to the identified student.

Sexual Assault, Harassment, Relationship Violence or Stalking Report

Purpose: To report any concerns about a possible sexual assault, sexual violence, sexual harassment, stalking or relationship violence. If you are unsure how an incident might be categorized, submitting a form can get a conversation started with the appropriate member of the Title IX Team.

Next Steps: Student issues are forwarded to the Title IX Coordinator for students. Faculty or staff issues are forwarded to Title IX Coordinator for faculty/staff.

Campus Safety and Community Standards

One of UMR’s top priorities is to create and maintain safe living and learning environments. The University of Minnesota Rochester works in conjunction with system-wide safety partners and the city of Rochester to ensure a safe campus.