A University of Minnesota Rochester students smiling while working on ipad outside of One Discovery Square.

Diversity and Inclusion

One of UMR’s core values is Diversity and Inclusiveness.

UMR is committed to fostering a diverse, welcoming campus climate for all.

This work is ongoing, active and crucial. Creating and maintaining a positive, welcoming campus climate for all requires that diversity and inclusiveness be inherently integrated into the work and lives of every student, faculty and staff member. 

Live and learn with health sciences students who share your passion. These communities help connect students with similar interests both in the classroom and outside of the classroom. Check out UMR's Living Learning Communities - a place to belong, a community to call your own. 

As the world becomes more interconnected and multicultural, intercultural competence in healthcare has become critical. As future health care providers, UMR students will need to work with individuals from various backgrounds and adapt to their specific cultural needs.

As part of students' experience within the Bachelor of Science in Health Science (BSHS) program, students will focus on their intercultural learning and development. Students will take the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) ® to assess their intercultural competence—the capability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities. All students in the BSHS program will meet with a faculty and/or staff member who is a Qualified Administrator of the IDI®. During this conversation, students will discuss their IDI Profile Report and their Intercultural Development Plan (IDP). 

For various resources, opportunities and activities at UMR and within the Rochester community to develop intercultural competence, please visit the Intercultural Learning and Development Resources page.

The University of Minnesota Rochester is committed to creating a welcoming and affirming climate to serve and support faculty, staff and students with various:

    • Racial or ethnic identities

    • Gender identities and expressions

    • Sexual orientations

    • Political affiliation, opinions or beliefs

    • Religious beliefs

    • Social classes

    • Immigrant backgrounds

    • Physical or observable disabilities

    • Psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent

    • Veteran statuses, and

    • Ages

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee created a Campus Climate Survey. The Campus Climate Survey assesses how welcomed, respected and appreciated faculty, staff and students perceive and experience the UMR campus community. You can find the latest Campus Climate Executive Report below.

2018 Campus Climate Executive Report (PDF)

Hate Bias Incident ButtonA hate/bias incident is any non-criminal act motivated, in whole or in part, by the victim's actual or perceived racial/ethnic identity, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, political affiliation, religion, social class, immigrant background, disability, veteran status or age.

The purpose of a hate/bias incident report is to monitor the occurrence of hate/bias incidents both on and off campus. The identity of the victim/target will be kept confidential to the maximum extent possible under applicable state and federal law. Submitting a report may or may not result in criminal or university action, depending on the type of incident and the victim's willingness to take further action.

What should I do if I experience or witness hate/bias?

If you have experienced or witnessed hate/bias, first, ensure the safety and well-being of yourself and those around you. Should you feel unsafe call 911. Once you feel secure, document as much of the incident as possible, which includes taking pictures should there be visible evidence. Make sure to complete a Hate/Bias Incident Report by completing the General Conduct Report Form and attach any documentation that you may have collected.

If you are in a position to play a supporting role, keep in mind that victims/targets of hate typically have three essential and immediate needs: the need to feel safe, the need to be heard and the need to know what happens next. Do what you can to create safety, display empathy and then explore and communicate action steps.

Who should complete this form?
Anyone who has experienced, witnessed or learned of a hate/bias incident should complete this form. You may fill out as much or as little information as you choose, but in order for the University to respond most effectively, it is important to include as much information as possible. Please include your name if you wish to be contacted. If you are under 18 years of age, there may be situations where an official police report will need to be made. If you are under 18 years of age and do not want to make an official police report, do not include your name on this form.

What if I'm not sure if this is a hate/bias incident?
We encourage you to report regardless of whether you are certain it is a hate/bias incident. The response team will determine if it is an issue of hate/bias and move forward accordingly.

Can I report if the incident happened off campus?
Yes, the response team can respond to off-campus incidents. The campus community and climate extends beyond on-campus incidents and occurrences and the Diversity and Inclusion Committee believes it is important to be aware of what is occurring in the community.

What happens to my report?
Summaries of all submitted Hate/Bias Incident Reports are entered into the Diversity and Inclusion Committee's database. Although there are some unique situations, depending on location and those involved, when reports are forwarded to necessary administrators, for the most part, only the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Life has access to full reports.

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee meets to review and compile Hate/Bias Incident Reports. This document does not include any personal or identifying information and is a means to provide transparency for interest and awareness.

Hate/Bias Incident Reports are also sometimes used for Campus Climate reporting for educational purposes. Using examples of hate/bias is an effective way to engage our community in conversations regarding hate, bias and inclusion.

What if I just want to talk to someone?
If you file a Hate/Bias Incident Report, you will have the option to have a conversation with someone about the incident which occurred.

Regardless of whether you file a Hate/Bias Incident Report, there are many resources for you on this campus if you would like to talk to someone about what you have experienced or witnessed. You can reach out to any faculty or staff you feel comfortable sharing with and you are welcome to contact any member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee to have a conversation.

I am an employee… is this form for me?
Yes. The Hate/Bias Incident Report is for students, staff and faculty. We encourage all members of our community to utilize the Hate/Bias Incident Report as a resource.

What happens to the perpetrator of an incident?
Students who have been identified as suspects will be investigated in a manner consistent with the impact of the incident. Should the response team deem the incident a violation of the University of Minnesota Student Conduct Code, the perpetrator will be notified and be dealt with accordingly.

What happens if I am listed as an alleged offender in a hate/bias incident?
As with all reports, our process is one of privacy. The individual(s) who filed the Hate/Bias Incident Report will work with the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Life to determine whether to pursue a formal complaint. If so, you may be contacted to discuss the incident.

What if the hate/bias incident was unintentional?
Regardless of intentions, there is always an impact on the other end and therefore a Hate/Bias Incident Report should be completed in these situations as well.

Why does UMR monitor hate/bias incidents?
One of UMR’s core values is Diversity and Inclusiveness; UMR is committed to fostering a diverse, welcoming campus climate. UMR views hate/bias incidents and all prejudice or intolerance as contradictory to our core values. All such incidents have to be addressed appropriately, which depends on the nature of the incident, the location and the people involved. Submitting this form will help us better understand our campus climate and help create an environment where everyone feels welcome.

Diversity Dialogues are hosted by the UMR Diversity and Inclusion Committee, a group consisting of UMR staff, faculty, and students focused on supporting UMR's continued development of an inclusive campus climate.

The UMR Diversity and Inclusion Committee is pleased to support the organization of monthly dialogues around various topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Diversity Dialogues are opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to gather and discuss a focused topic facilitated and/or hosted by other faculty, staff, or student groups.

If you are interested in suggesting a Dialogue topic and/or facilitating a discussion, please complete the interest form. 


Veterans Affinity Group 

With a mission to provide support and a safe space to the Veterans and Service Members on the UMR campus, this group also provides opportunities for networking, mentoring and volunteering in the community as well as exploring careers and job market trends in the health sciences field. Contact Lourdes Irizarry with additional questions.

2SLGBTQIA+ Affinity Group

Celebrating queer identities and experiences, students, faculty and staff at UMR share our stories, queer-friendly community resources and strive to strengthen the queer campus community so that everyone feels welcome and supported on campus. All are welcome, including allies! Contact Lourdes Irizarry or Bronson Lemer with additional questions.

The BIPOC/First-Gen Affinity Group 

A space to discuss campus climate and learn about local resources for supporting the BIPOC and First-Gen community. Contact Jabra Kawas or Aaron Bruenger with additional questions. 

Men in Health & Education Affinity Group

Men in Health & Education (MHE) is an affinity group open to all that centers the lived experiences of students, faculty and staff who identify as men at UMR. By creating a space for such conversations, MHE strives to promote student belonging, well-being & persistence to graduation, advocacy for men’s mental and physical health and employee retention. Contact Alan Thompson with additional questions.