Disability Resources

Welcome to Disability Resources at the University of Minnesota Rochester.

Our goal is to provide equitable access to students with identified disabilities. Our office works in collaboration with the Disability Resource Center and Office of Equity and Diversity at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities (UMTC) to provide accommodations to eligible students.

Who We Serve
Disability Resources works with students who have identified disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act of 2008. Students registered with Disability Resources may have diagnoses or conditions that include, but are not limited to: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Blind and Visually Impaired, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Chronic Health Conditions, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Medical Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Physical Disabilities, Speech, Mental Health and Temporary Disabilities.

What We Do
Disability Resources works to make the UMR campus an inclusive and accessible community for all. We do this by coordinating accommodations with students, instructors, housing and university stakeholders. Some accommodations may include but are not limited to: testing services, technology assistance, document conversion, housing accommodations, sign language and captioning services and physical accessibility.

Registering with Disability Resources is simple. Follow the steps below:

  1. Contact Disability Resources - Current and prospective UMR students should schedule an intake appointment with the UMR Disability Coordinator at disability@r.umn.edu or 507-258-8058.

  2. Bring current documentation - Documentation of a diagnosis of disability should be brought to your intake appointment. This may include but is not limited to medical reports, Individualized Education Programs, 504 Plans or letters from health care providers.

  3. Complete registration agreement - During your intake meeting, you will be required to complete a registration agreement which identifies the responsibilities of Disability Resources, as well as you, the student.

  4. Engage in the interactive process - During your intake meeting you will collaborate with the Disability Coordinator to determine eligibility of services, and if appropriate, identify reasonable accommodations that might mitigate the impact of the disability.

  5. Follow up as necessary - Disability Resources works as a reference and resource on campus. Continue to contact our office with any additional documentation or changes in your disability status.

The Grievance Process
The University of Minnesota Rochester is committed to equitable access for all students. All current, applicable and reasonable accommodations identified in writing by Disability Resources will be implemented in the university setting. Disability Resources will respond promptly to any written or verbal notification from students registered with Disability Resources, which identifies that the pre-approved and applicable accommodations have not been fulfilled. Disability Resources will then contact both the students and any pertinent faculty/staff about the specific accommodations and attempt to find a solution. If Disability Resources is unable to solve the issue with the student and faculty/staff, they will then contact the appropriate university administrators regarding the accommodation implementation. If the accommodation continues to not be implemented and/ or the student chooses not to speak with Disability Resources, they may file a written grievance with the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Life.

Disability Resources Contact
Jeff Baier
Phone: 507-258-8058
Fax: 507-258-8004
TTY/TDD: 507-258-8096

Book an appointment with Jeff


To learn more about Disability Services, contact Jeff Baier, Disability Resources Coordinator at disability@r.umn.edu.