NXTGEN MED students posing in front of Gonda building smiling.


Support the success of students in this accelerated program who want to make a difference in health care beyond patient care.

A place to belong, a community to call your own.

The NXT GEN MED Living Learning Community (LLC) supports the success of students enrolled in the NXT GEN MED program by increasing their connection to the UMR community and sense of belonging. NXT GEN MED LLC ultimately contributes to the paths, connections, skills and strengths students build as they prepare to make a difference in the world through health care research, business, innovation, digital health or administration.

NXT GEN MED LLC is to be an enriching community of engagement and learning for students enrolled in NXT GEN MED. This LLC specifically seeks to support and enhance students' overall well-being as they navigate the program’s accelerated pace and work towards non-patient care careers in the health care industry. 

NXT GEN MED LLC meets monthly for social events, community-building activities and experiential learning opportunities that provide a supportive space for students while empowering them to create positive change as future health care professionals.

The NXT GEN MED LLC aims to promote students’ well-being and success through the following objectives: 

    • Organizing social or collaborative events with other LLC groups to build connections amongst students and to foster lifelong friendships. 
    • Organizing extracurricular activities or events that involve faculty, staff and community members to increase students’ involvement on campus and in the broader community.
    • Facilitating experiential learning opportunities to support students in academic success and career goals. 
    • Partnering with campus health and wellness professionals to connect students with resources and support for personal, mental and community well-being. 
    • Maintaining an inclusive environment where students from all abilities, backgrounds and perspectives can thrive. 

Participation in the LLC is required of all NXT GEN MED students as it meets scholarship and program expectations. NXT GEN MED LLC residents are required to

1) Abide by the UMR Student Code of Conduct.

2) Attend UMR’s summer and winter Bridge programs in their first year.

3) Live in on-campus housing for 2.5 years or during the period of their residency as NXT GEN MED students.

4) Serve on the student activities board with integrity and dedication if nominated and confirmed.

5) Submit newsletter assignments by given due dates.

6) Demonstrate future professional integrity by attending and participating in all LLC meetings, including Bridge week events and activities.

7) Show respect for and acknowledge diversity and difference.

8) Learn to manage and address intra-LLC conflict in a constructive and positive manner including working with the Resident Assistant.

9) Utilize resources towards overall well-being.

10) Submit or initiate requests for LLC, community-involvement or leadership badges on the NXT GEN MED Google platform by the end of students’ second year or final semester.

The NXT GEN MED LLC Student Activities Board is a four member intercohort board for NXT GEN MED students interested in gaining leadership experiences or enhancing their leadership skills. Students on the board will earn a certificate of leadership signed by the faculty director and the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Student Success, Equity, and Engagement. 

Students interested in serving on the board should complete the interest form included on the NXT GEN MED LLC Canvas page before the start of the new academic year or by August 25.


Bridget Tetteh-Batsa, PhD 

NXT GEN MED Coach and LLC Coordinator

Office Loc: USquare