Virtual Counseling

U of M Rochester Virtual Counseling Options

What formats are available for virtual counseling? 

UMR Counseling Services provides virtual appointments. Counseling Services appointments are available virtually via Zoom for currently enrolled students. Services are available for all on- and off-campus students at no charge to the student or their insurance. 

What is the goal of a counseling session? 

The individual counseling process at UMR involves cultivating a helping relationship between the counselor and student. This includes offering support. Counselors assist individuals with expressing emotions, solving personal problems and understanding oneself better. They also offer support, resources and the skills necessary to help individuals manage emotions, improve and maintain mental health and reach success in their personal, professional and academic lives. 

What are counseling sessions like? What can I expect during my first and subsequent sessions? 

In the first session, counselors will ask a variety of questions about you, your life and what is bothering you. This discussion will help the counselor understand you and your concerns, and make an initial assessment of your situation. Later sessions will likely be less structured than the initial session and will focus more on providing the individual with the tools, skills and resources necessary to continue making progress independently in the future. 

What will my counselor expect of me? 

Before the first session, your counselor will expect you to have completed all required paperwork/intake forms. Counselors will expect session participation and to contribute to the counseling process. It is okay to go to a counselor primarily for support without a specific mental health concern. The most helpful thing you can do is come to your session prepared to communicate your thoughts, emotions and goals, and the ways you can address your concerns.


Make An Appointment

Counselors at UMR are highly trained, licensed counselors.